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Our Results

* Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
gallery by SmileDocs®
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  • Worn and Broken Down Teeth Solved With Dental Crowns & Bridges
    Say presented to me concerned with his severely worn and broken down teeth. He wanted a long term solution to improve his smile.
    After discussing many treatment options we decided upon crowns and bridges to restore all of his teeth. Say is very impressed with the final result and is able to smile with confidence.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Discoloured & Gaps in Teeth Solved With Porcelain Crowns
    Beti was unhappy with her teeth, especially the discolouration and the gap between her front teeth. She desired a "Hollywood smile".
    To close the gap and give Beti the Hollywood look she desired, 6 porcelain crowns were placed on the upper front teeth. Beti can now smile with confidence!
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Restore Worn Front Teeth With Porcelain Veneers
    When I met Jeremy, he had not seen a dentist for a few years. He wanted a cosmetic option to fix his front teeth, as he was concerned with the wear due to grinding.
    We decided the best option was to restore Jeremy’s teeth with porcelain crowns. The crowns improved the durability and function, as well as giving Jeremy the look he desired. He couldn’t be happier with his new smile.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Stained and Severely Worn Teeth Solved With Dental Crowns & Bridges
    Narendra was unable to chew properly due to the very severe wear on many of his teeth. He was unhappy with the worn down look and colour of his teeth.
    We decided the best option to correct his bite and improve the look, was to restore all teeth with porcelain crowns & bridges. Narendra adjusted quickly, he now eats well and cannot stop smiling!
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Discoloured & Missing Teeth Solved With Dental Crowns & Bridges
    Lesley was unhappy with her smile. Her old crowns were discoloured and she wanted a solution to restore her upper missing teeth. Lesley did not want to have a denture or undergo surgery.
    The treatment plan for Lesley included custom made porcelain crown and bridgework to restore her old crowns and replace her missing teeth. Lesley was very happy with the result.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Discoloured & Chipped Teeth Solved With Crowns & Teeth Whitening
    Liam was concerned with his upper front teeth due to the stained and chipped appearance. He wanted to improve his smile and achieve a clean, natural look.
    Over 2 visits, 8 porcelain crowns were placed on the upper teeth. We completed in-chair whitening on the lower teeth which has enhanced the look. Liam is extremely pleased with the final result.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Gaps and Worn Down Front Teeth Resolved With Crowns
    Barry presented to me self-conscious of his teeth. He avoided smiling because of the gaps and worn down look of his front teeth. Many teeth had chipped or large fillings that required replacement
    We decided to restore each tooth with a lab fabricated porcelain crown to improve the look and functionality. Barry is extremely happy and says his new smile has given him tremendous confidence.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Gaps and Worn Down Front Teeth Resolved With Crowns
    Naomi was unhappy with the sensitivity caused by her receding gums. She disliked the gaps when she smiled and the ‘worn’ look of her front teeth.
    To create this look, porcelain crowns were placed on all upper and lower teeth with bridges to replace her missing tooth. Naomi has no sensitivity and is delighted with her new ‘life changing’ smile.
    Case Photos
    Patient's before and after smile makeover results *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Replacing Missing and Worn Down Teeth With Dental Implants and Porcelain Crowns

    Mona was worried that her worn down teeth would begin to breakdown and lead to future problems with her health. A replacement for a missing tooth was also considered.


    After considering all options, Mona decided upon a bridge to replace the missing tooth, complimented with porcelain crowns to restore and protect her teeth. All completed within 5 visits. What a stunning smile!

    Case Photos
    smile docs odin house dental real results hr monao 03 fr pa 01 *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Creating a Smile Makeover With Porcelain Crowns
    Pat, a 60 year old male with severely worn teeth due to grinding, was not aware he needed urgent treatment to prevent nerve damage. Finances & work schedule were priority.
    We tailored a plan to suit Pat’s needs. Over 6 weeks we completely transformed Pat’s mouth with porcelain crowns. Pat was thrilled with the painless experience from start to end and says his new teeth are perfect.
    Case Photos
    smile docs odin house dental real results hr patkk 03 fr pa 01 *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
  • Improving Colour and Function of Teeth with Porcelain Crowns

    Ari’s teeth were severely worn down due to night grinding and hard brushing. A history of smoking had contributed to the discoloration of his teeth.


    We decided to transform Ari’s teeth with Porcelain Crowns, drastically improving the colour and function. Ari wears a splint at night to protect his teeth. He is thrilled with the result and says he looks younger now!

    Case Photos
    smile docs odin house dental real results hr arih 03 fr pa 01 *Results may vary from person to person. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Real Results

Odin House Dental Surgery
Suite 3/8 Odin Rd
Innaloo WA 6018

Phone Numbers:
Office: (08) 9468 7182

Office Hours:
Mon: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tues: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thur: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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