What To Do If You Have A Dental Emergency

Reasons To See An Emergency Dentist

My Teeth Need Emergency Dental Care

Are you looking for an Emergency dentist? Not sure if your situation qualifies as an emergency? You are not alone. Many people find themselves in this predicament. However, it shouldn’t be a question, to be honest. If you are experiencing tooth pain, you should schedule an appointment immediately, even if it is mild.

Tooth pain is an indication that something more serious is wrong. Determining what that something is early on can save you pain and money. As soon as you have signs of pain, you should seek the help of an emergency dentist such as Oden House Dental for assistance.

Furthermore, you should never wait if you have knocked out or chipped a tooth. These are excellent reasons to call for an emergency dental appointment. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to oral care. If you feel that you need to see a dentist but have an appointment in a few weeks, don’t tough it out. It only takes a few minutes for us to analyze and determine what can be done to stabilize your condition.

What Causes the Need for Emergency Dental Care?

Other indicators that you need an emergency dentist, in addition to toothache and pain, include face swelling and infection, substantial bleeding from the mouth, broken or cracked teeth, lost fillings or crowns, abscess or swollen gum line, and chipped or fractured tooth.

If you have a tooth or jaw injury, such as falling and hitting your teeth, get an emergency dental care appointment as soon as possible. Before going to the dentist in this scenario, ensure the injury isn’t too serious. Always seek medical attention when needed. If any of your teeth are damaged (or fractured), it will be difficult, if not impossible, to salvage them using standard treatments. However, we can stabilize your mouth and develop a game plan to help you get your smile back as quickly as possible.

Severe pain

In the context of dental emergencies, severe pain, often originating from within the tooth or surrounding gums, is a critical indicator that immediate professional dental treatment may be necessary. This severe tooth pain, sometimes escalating to extreme tooth pain, is not to be taken lightly. It is a clear sign of a severe toothache that could be due to various reasons, including tooth decay, poor oral hygiene habits, an infection, or injury.

When the pain becomes constant, making it difficult for you to eat, sleep, or even speak, it is time to seek the help of an emergency dentist. The constant toothache is your body’s way of signaling that there’s a problem needing immediate attention. Ignoring such a signal could lead to more severe complications, potentially affecting your overall health.

Emergency dental clinics are equipped to handle such scenarios, offering emergency care to alleviate the severe toothache and diagnose the underlying issue. The emergency treatment provided differs according to the cause of the pain. It may involve cleaning, filling, extraction, or even root canal treatment, depending on the severity and location of the problem.

Remember, dental pain is not normal. If you are experiencing intense discomfort, it is a clear indication that you need emergency dental care. Therefore, in the event of severe pain, do not hesitate to seek immediate emergency treatment. Your prompt action can make a significant difference in preserving your dental health and preventing further complications.

Being aware of the criticality of severe dental pain and the necessity to get emergency dental care is the first step towards maintaining good oral health.


One might consider swelling in the mouth, face, or neck area as another significant indicator that emergency dental care is required. This swelling may result from a range of dental emergencies including a gum infection, an abscessed tooth, or trauma to the mouth. Often, this swelling is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort, making it even more crucial to seek immediate dental attention.

Swelling is not to be taken lightly, as it could indicate a dangerous infection that, if left untreated, could potentially spread to other parts of the body, leading to more serious health issues. Therefore, it’s critical to recognize the signs that warrant an emergency dental appointment. Here are four key points to consider:

  1. Swollen Gums: If your gums are swollen and bleeding, it might be a sign of a gum infection or periodontal disease. Don’t delay seeking emergency dental care.

  2. Swelling in Face or Neck: Swelling in these areas could suggest an advanced infection that has spread from the initial site. This requires an emergency dental appointment immediately.

  3. Fever and Swelling: A fever accompanying swelling could indicate your body is fighting off an infection. This is a clear sign of a dental emergency.

  4. Difficulty Breathing or Swallowing: If swelling is causing trouble in breathing or swallowing, it’s a serious situation that needs immediate attention.

Ignoring these symptoms could lead to the infection worsening or becoming life-threatening. It’s always advisable to contact a dentist and schedule an emergency appointment at the first sign of swelling related to dental issues.


Persistent oral bleeding can serve as a clear signal that emergency dental intervention is urgently required. This alarming symptom could be a result of various dental injuries, including a loose tooth, gum injury or soft tissue injury. Regardless of the cause, it’s crucial to seek immediate assistance from emergency services to prevent further complications.

Visiting an emergency department is advised because persistent bleeding could indicate severe dental issues. For instance, if you’re wondering, ‘do my teeth need emergency attention?’, you should consider the amount and duration of the bleeding. While minor bleeding after brushing or flossing might be due to gum inflammation or gingivitis, continuous bleeding may suggest a more serious problem, such as periodontal disease or even a bacterial infection.

A bacterial infection in the mouth is a serious condition that requires prompt treatment. If left untreated, it can lead to abscess formation, which can spread to other parts of the body. Persistent bleeding, often accompanied by swelling or pain, might be a sign of infection. Therefore, any indication that your teeth need emergency care should not be ignored.

Moreover, dental injuries, like a knocked-out tooth, can cause excessive bleeding. Such situations warrant immediate care to save the tooth and prevent further damage. In these cases, an emergency dental treatment can provide the necessary treatment to stop the bleeding, alleviate the pain, and fix the dental issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Determine the Seriousness of My Dental Issue at Home?

Determining the seriousness of a dental issue at home can be challenging. However, severe pain, persistent bleeding, loose or knocked-out teeth, and swollen, tender gums are signs that require immediate attention.

Infections or abscesses may also necessitate urgent care, often signaled by fever, facial swelling, or a foul taste in the mouth.

It’s crucial to consult with a dental professional promptly for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Are There Any Preventative Measures I Can Take to Avoid Needing Emergency Dental Care?

Preventative measures to avoid the necessity of emergency dental care include maintaining good oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing. Regular dentist check-ups can also help identify potential issues early.

A balanced diet, low in sugar, can prevent cavities. Wearing a mouthguard during physical activities can protect against trauma.

What Is the Typical Cost for an Emergency Dental Visit?

The cost of an emergency dental visit can vary significantly depending on the specific treatment required. Simple procedures may cost a few hundred dollars, while more complex interventions can run into the thousands.

It is crucial to check with your dental insurance provider as they may cover part or all of the cost. For those without insurance, many dentists offer payment plans or have partnerships with healthcare credit companies.

How Can I Manage My Dental Anxiety During an Emergency Visit?

Managing dental anxiety during an emergency visit can be achieved through various techniques.

Communication is key; inform your dentist about your anxiety so they can adjust their approach.

Deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation can also help.

In some cases, distraction techniques such as listening to music or guided imagery can be beneficial.

Sedation dentistry is another option, where sedatives are used to provide a relaxed experience for anxious patients.

Can I Call My Regular Dentist During an Emergency or Should I Directly Go to an Emergency Dentist?

In case of a dental emergency, it’s advisable to first call your regular dentist. They know your dental history best and can provide immediate guidance.

If they’re unavailable, or the situation is critical, heading to an emergency dentist is the right step. Emergency dentists are equipped to handle urgent dental issues and can provide necessary treatment promptly.

Nonetheless, always consult with your regular dentist at the earliest opportunity.

What to Do If You Have a Tooth Knocked Out

Auto accidents, slip and falls, and other traumatic blows to the mouth can knock teeth out. You should put your knocked-out tooth back into its socket when this happens. Hold it with a rag until you can get to the dentist. The sooner the tooth is implanted back into the gum, the better your chances of reattachment. If you cannot reposition the tooth in your mouth or have sustained other life-threatening injuries, then the next best thing is to place the tooth in a cup of milk whenever possible. This will allow the dentist the option of reattachment. While this isn’t always effective or possible, it has a much better chance when the patient follows these guidelines.

If you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Facial swelling (especially around the eyes)
  • Infection in the mouth (especially around the teeth)
  • Significant bleeding from the mouth (even if it is only a little blood)
  • A broken tooth
  • A lost filling/crown/bridge, an abscess on top of your gum line (or elevated gum line)
  • A chipped/broken tooth, you should see a dentist right away.
  • Foreign items lodged between the teeth.
  • Severe decay of one or more permanent teeth
  • Teeth becoming loose

You should seek the help of an emergency dentist right away to determine what the problem is. Sometimes the problem is a quick, easy fix, and other times the dentist will have to prep you to come back after some antibiotics, for example. You won’t know until you visit your emergency dentist.

Why Should You Choose Odin House Dental for Emergency Care?

If you have tooth pain, you should check it out as soon as possible. Toothaches and dental infections, unfortunately, can sometimes lie unnoticed for an extended period, causing serious damage or even death. That’s why it’s important to choose a trustworthy provider like Odin House Dental as your emergency dentist. Whether it is due to tooth pain or if you have a fracture, we are happy to help. Call 08 9468 7182 to schedule an appointment.

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About Odin House Dental

Creating an Excellent Patient Experience…

Over the last two decades, Odin House Dental Surgery has been proud to serve the suburb of Innaloo and has grown to include ten dentists, three oral health therapists, and ten support staff. We have eight surgery rooms, a sterilisation room, a laboratory (where we make your mouthguards, whitening trays, and models), and two waiting rooms, including a small play area for children. We also have a unique “special room” complete with a massage chair, large screen TV, and even X Box!

Our dentists are all members of the Australian Dental Association and are local to Perth, so it would be no surprise if you have seen us out and about in the community.

Odin House Dental Surgery
Suite 3/8 Odin Rd
Innaloo WA 6018

Phone Numbers:
Office: (08) 9468 7182

Office Hours:
Mon: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tues: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thur: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
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