an image of a dentist and her assistant checking up on a patient for dental emergencies at Odin house dental surgery

Treatments For Common Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be both painful and scary. Whether it’s a toothache, chipped tooth or something else, they all require immediate attention to prevent further damage. But what are the treatments for these common dental emergencies? In this article, we will explore different treatments available for some of the most common dental problems.

From root canals to crowns and fillings, there is an array of procedures that dentists use to repair damaged teeth. Each treatment has its own advantages and drawbacks depending on the severity of the issue at hand. Knowing which procedure is best suited for your particular situation could save you time and money in the long run.

No matter how severe your dental emergency may be, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible in order to avoid any future complications from developing. By familiarizing yourself with the various treatments available to you, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you won’t be taken off guard if a dental emergency arises. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the more common treatments used by dentists today!

Recognizing Signs Of A Dental Emergency

It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that indicate a dental emergency. An intense toothache, severe facial swelling, bleeding from the mouth or injury to the jaw could all qualify as an emergency situation. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, you should seek help immediately from an emergency dentist. It’s also wise to visit your regular dentist for follow-up care if possible.

When it comes to treating a dental emergency, time is of the essence. Prompt treatment can make all the difference when it comes to preserving teeth and gums and preventing further damage. If you call ahead and let them know you have a dental emergency, Odin Dental is happy to accommodate same-day appointments in order to provide immediate relief and begin necessary treatments like antibiotics or root canal therapy right away. 

How To Respond To A Dental Emergency

When faced with a dental emergency, it’s important to take action immediately. If you experience severe tooth pain or trauma that requires immediate attention, contact an emergency dentist right away. For minor emergencies, such as a chipped or broken tooth, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling if necessary. Depending on the severity of the issue, treatment can include anything from medication to repair the damaged area to a full-on tooth extraction.

It is also important to keep up with regular checkups and cleanings so that any potential issues can be spotted early on before they become major problems requiring urgent attention. Taking these measures will ensure that your oral health remains intact no matter what dental emergencies may arise.

First Aid Techniques

Having responded to a dental emergency, the next step is to understand how to perform first aid. For common dental emergencies such as traumatic injuries and knocked out permanent teeth, there are few techniques that can help alleviate pain or prevent further damage.

These techniques include:

  • Taking over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen for minor pains in order to reduce swelling.
  • Aspirin should not be used on children under 12 years old due to its side effects.
  • Stopping any bleeding by gently rinsing with warm salt water and applying pressure with a clean cloth or gauze pad until it subsides.
  • Replacing lost fillings, crowns, bridges or dentures after cleaning them thoroughly with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Handling any damaged teeth carefully; if the root of the tooth has been exposed, cover the area with sugarless gum or wax paraffin until you can reach your dentist. If it’s an adult tooth that has been completely knocked out, rinse off the root without scrubbing but never touch the pulp (i.e., inner tissue). Keep it moist at all times – either inside the vacant socket or immersed in milk – and see your dentist immediately for treatment options like reimplantation or endodontic therapy.

Understanding these first aid treatments allows people to take proactive steps when faced with dental emergencies.

Professional Diagnosis And Treatment Options

The next step in addressing any dental emergency is to seek professional diagnosis and treatment from a dentist. Depending on the type of injury or issue, the most common treatments for dental emergencies can include pain relief medication, filling repair, root canal therapy, dental splinting, extractions and more.

Pain relief medication can help reduce discomfort from toothaches caused by cavities and other issues. For those with a cracked tooth or broken restoration such as a crown or filling, their dentist may be able to repair it with composite resin fillings material that hardens quickly under an ultraviolet light. Root canal therapy helps to save a severely damaged tooth where the inner pulp has been infected due to decay or trauma. 

Root Canals

Moving on, root canals are a common treatment option for dental injuries and oral health problems. This procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp from the center of a tooth to clean it out and seal it up with an inert material. Root canals help preserve teeth that would otherwise need to be removed due to decay or trauma. Here is a summary of some benefits associated with this type of dental care:

  1. Root canals alleviate pain caused by infection or injury in the mouth.
  2. They also help maintain healthy oral hygiene habits and prevent further damage to the affected tooth.
  3. Finally, they make sure the patient’s smile looks natural after the procedure has been completed.

The overall goal of a root canal is to remove any signs of infection or decay while preserving as much natural structure as possible for optimal aesthetic results. With proper maintenance and regular professional exams, these treatments can last many years with little-to-no discomfort for patients.

Tooth Extraction

For dental emergencies such as an avulsed tooth, a dentist or oral surgeon may recommend extraction. This is usually done if the root is damaged and can’t be saved by other means. In this procedure, the dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic before extracting it from the socket. Depending on the severity of the injury, the patient might also need to go to an emergency department for further treatment. Pain medication might be administered either in-office or at home following extraction surgery. Aftercare instructions must be followed closely to ensure proper healing and prevent infection. Careful attention should also be given to any bleeding that occurs after extraction; gauze should be used over the affected area for about 20 minutes until it stops completely.

Antibiotics For Infections

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for dental emergencies involving infections. Bacterial and dental infections can spread to other parts of the body, leading to a systemic infection if left untreated. Antibiotic treatment is therefore necessary in order to reduce inflammation caused by bacteria, stop the progression of an infection, and prevent further complications from occurring.

The type of antibiotic used depends on the cause of the emergency and severity of the situation; antibiotics may be topical or oral, depending on where the infection has occurred. Oral antibiotics are usually reserved for more severe cases since they have been known to produce side effects such as nausea and vomiting in some patients. Topical antibiotics, however, provide localized relief without causing these adverse reactions. In any case, it’s important that you finish taking all medications as instructed by your dentist or doctor even after symptoms subside in order to ensure successful recovery.

Crowns And Bridges

Crowns and bridges are two common treatments used to restore primary teeth, permanent tooth or both that have been damaged by decay or trauma. Crowns are custom-made caps that fit over the entire surface of a broken tooth, helping to protect it from further damage and restoring its function. Bridges are false teeth held in place either with crowns on adjacent natural teeth or through implants. These devices help replace missing teeth and prevent other teeth from shifting out of their naturally aligned position. When properly cared for, crowns and bridges can last many years without needing replacement.

When considering treatment options for dental emergencies, people should always consult with a dentist who will be able to assess the individual’s needs and recommend an appropriate solution. The goal is not only to repair any existing issues but also to ensure the long-term health of the patient’s mouth.

Implants And Dentures

Implants and dentures provide viable solutions for tooth loss. Dental implants are titanium posts that replace the roots of teeth and are inserted directly into the jawbone. The implant supports an abutment or post on which a crown is placed to restore the natural look of your smile. A bridge may also be used to fill in gaps caused by missing teeth.

With bridges, two abutments are put in place alongside healthy adjacent teeth with a pontic (artificial tooth) suspended between them. Dentures provide another option when it comes to replacing lost teeth. They’re custom-made false teeth that fit comfortably over the gums, providing full coverage along with support for facial muscles while restoring chewing efficiency and speech clarity. Implant retained dentures can even be held firmly in place so they don’t slip or need adhesives.

Both implants and dentures offer long-term replacement solutions for those suffering from tooth loss due to injury or decay. Whatever treatment you choose, these methods allow patients to stop worrying about their dental health and start enjoying life again with renewed confidence in their smiles!

Postoperative Care Instructions

After a dental emergency, it is important to follow postoperative care instructions. This includes taking medications as prescribed and avoiding activities that can cause further trauma or delay healing. Here are the top four things you should do after treatment:

  1. Take any antibiotics or pain medication as directed by your dentist.
  2. Apply cold compresses for swelling and avoid touching the affected area with fingers or tongue.
  3. Use mechanical therapy such as salt water rinses to maintain oral hygiene and reduce bacterial growth in areas of infection like fascial space infections caused during surgery.
  4. Follow up with your dentist regularly for ongoing dental care and checkups to ensure optimal recovery from the injury or procedure performed. It’s also essential to adhere to healthy habits including eating nutritious foods, brushing twice daily, and flossing every day to prevent future complications and keep your teeth strong and healthy long term. Adhering to these steps will help minimize discomfort associated with the injury while promoting quicker healing time and overall improved dental health outcomes.

Follow-Up Visits

After discussing postoperative care instructions, it is important to remember the importance of follow-up visits after dental trauma or oral trauma. Follow-up visits help ensure that any complications from a procedure have been addressed and resolved. It also provides an opportunity for your dentist to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments if needed.

In addition, follow-up visits can provide education on how to prevent further damage due to dental trauma in children and adults alike. For example, proper nutrition and hygiene habits can assist in maintaining healthy teeth and gums over time. Furthermore, regular checkups with a qualified healthcare provider allow for early detection of potential issues before they become more serious problems. This helps reduce long term costs as well as avoid unnecessary pain and suffering.

Follow-up visits are essential for optimal recovery following dental procedures or other forms of oral trauma. Regular appointments with your dentist will not only aid in monitoring progress but also provide valuable information on preventing future injuries or illnesses related to the mouth and jaw area.

For more information on treatments for common dental emergencies or to schedule an appointment with our team, contact Odin House Dental Surgery today. Our experienced dentists are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal oral health!

Dentist and patient in dental emergency, receiving prompt and compassionate care at Odin House Dental Surgery.

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies can be some of the most painful experiences. When our teeth or gums aren’t feeling right, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. But how do you know when your toothache is a true dental emergency? What constitutes a real “emergency” and what should you do if you find yourself in that situation? Read on to learn more about the signs and symptoms of a dental emergency and the steps you should take to address them safely.

When we think of an emergency, we often envision something dramatic like a broken bone or cardiac arrest. However, many people don’t realize that certain oral conditions may also constitute a medical emergency as well. Severe pain, swelling, infection, bleeding and trauma are all considered potential indicators of such an event. If these symptoms occur suddenly or last for an extended period of time, immediate attention from a qualified dentist is typically necessary.

If you suspect that you might have experienced a dental emergency, contact your local dentist immediately! They’ll work with you to determine whether it’s truly an urgent issue or if other options exist for addressing your problem first. The key takeaway here is not to ignore any possible warning signs- seeking prompt treatment could be the difference between saving or losing a tooth!

Defining A Dental Emergency

A dental emergency can occur when a person experiences sudden, extreme tooth pain or has an infection in the mouth. This type of situation is often caused by trauma to the teeth and gums, such as chipped or broken teeth, a lost filling, or an abscessed tooth. These types of incidents require immediate attention from a dentist to prevent further damage and discomfort.

In many cases, it is possible to differentiate between a minor incident that requires only routine care and true emergencies where prompt treatment is necessary. For instance, if someone is suffering from severe toothache due to decay or infection then this would be considered an emergency because the longer it goes untreated the worse it could become for them. Similarly, a tooth abscess – which occurs when bacteria gets trapped inside the root canal – can cause intense pain as well as swelling around the area; thus making it an urgent matter that needs professional help right away.

On the other hand, there are certain issues like mild sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that may not constitute as an emergency but still should be addressed nonetheless since they might indicate underlying problems with your oral health. Ultimately, it’s best to contact your local dentist at once whenever you experience any sort of sudden discomfort in order to avoid any potential complications down the road.

Typical Symptoms

A dental emergency typically involves a severe toothache, a wobbly tooth or extreme tooth pain. These symptoms can make it difficult to perform everyday activities and should be addressed immediately by a qualified dentist.

A common symptom of a dental emergency is severe toothache that may have been caused by an infection or decay in the tooth. The pain could range from mild discomfort to sharp, throbbing sensations. In some cases, the pain might also radiate into other parts of your mouth or face. If you’re experiencing any type of intense oral pain, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Uncontrollable bleeding could be another sign that you’re dealing with a dental emergency. This symptom usually indicates damage to gum tissue which can occur due to trauma or periodontal disease progression. While it might not seem like a serious problem at first glance, uncontrolled bleeding should still be treated right away since it can lead to complications down the line if left untreated.

Lastly, any sort of dental trauma is considered a dental emergency since this type of injury can cause significant damage to teeth and soft tissues in your mouth. Common examples include chips and cracks on teeth resulting from sports injuries or falls as well as knocked-out teeth due to blunt force trauma or contact sports accidents. It’s important to seek medical attention quickly in order to minimize long-term effects such as infection and further decay.

It’s important to recognize when you’re experiencing any of these symptoms so you can seek professional help right away:

  • Abscesses
  • Pain
  • Sensitivity
  • Loose Tooth or Loose Teeth
  • Uncontrolled Bleeding
  • Facial Swelling

Without proper treatment, these conditions can worsen and lead to further health complications. Seeking medical advice promptly will ensure that your condition doesn’t become more serious than it needs to be.

In short, if you experience any kind of severe oral discomfort accompanied by swelling or bleeding around the affected area then consider seeking out urgent care at your local dental surgery. Ignoring these signs could lead to more serious problems in the future.

Diagnosis And Treatment Options

In order to diagnose and treat your dental emergency, you’ll need to visit an emergency dentist. Emergency dentists, such as the ones at Odin Dental, can provide same-day care for urgent issues such as infections or broken teeth. They also specialize in providing treatments like root canal therapy and tooth extractions which can alleviate intense pain quickly and effectively. Additionally, they are trained to handle trauma cases where multiple teeth have been damaged due to an accident.

Emergency dental care services vary depending on the type of problem being addressed. For example, if you’re experiencing severe toothache then the dentist will likely perform X-rays and other diagnostic tests in order to determine what’s causing it before prescribing medications or performing a procedure such as a filling or extraction. On the other hand, more serious situations such as broken teeth may require additional treatments like crowns or bridges in addition to a tooth extraction.

No matter how minor or major your dental emergency might be, it’s important to act fast and contact an experienced emergency dentist who has experience dealing with these types of problems so that you can find relief and restore your oral health soon.

Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked out tooth may require extraction if it cannot be successfully reattached within two hours of being removed from its socket in the jawbone. If more than two hours have passed since the incident, then additional steps must be taken in order to attempt saving the tooth. In some cases, depending on age and health status, teeth can still be saved even after extended time has passed since they were initially lost.

Regardless of how much time has elapsed since a knocked-out tooth occurred, patients should seek appropriate medical care as soon as possible. This will help ensure that any underlying damage caused by the trauma is identified and treated before it leads to further complications down the line. By taking action quickly, it may also increase chances of successful restoration of a tooth using restorative techniques such as root canal therapy or implant placement procedures. 

Extreme Tooth Pain

Extreme tooth pain is a common symptom of many dental emergencies. Severe, persistent and radiating oral discomfort can be due to an infection, abscesses, or fractures in the teeth. Patients suffering from this kind of excruciating pain should seek emergency dental treatment as soon as possible. This will help reduce their risk of further complications such as tooth loss due to decay or trauma.

The most important thing for those dealing with extreme tooth pain is to visit a dentist right away. A professional exam and X-ray are necessary to determine the cause and create an appropriate plan for treatment. Depending on the condition, options may include root canal therapy, antibiotic medications, extraction of a damaged/decayed tooth, or even surgical interventions. Whatever the case might be, seeking timely care ensures that any potential risks associated with your particular condition are minimized or avoided altogether.

Abscesses And Swelling

Abscesses and swelling are two types of dental emergencies that require prompt attention. An abscess is a pocket of infection in the mouth, commonly caused by bacteria or food particles becoming trapped between teeth or under gums. Symptoms include pain, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, bad breath and swollen glands around the face and neck. If an abscess is not treated quickly with antibiotics it can cause severe damage to bone and surrounding tissue.

A loose tooth may also be considered an emergency if there is uncontrolled bleeding from the socket where it has come out. This can occur due to trauma such as a blow to the face causing extensive damage to the underlying bones. A dentist should assess any facial swelling immediately as this could indicate other serious issues such as sinusitis or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).

Chips, Fractures, And Cracks

Chipping, fracturing and cracking of teeth is a serious dental emergency. In the case of chips or fractures, pieces of enamel have broken off from the tooth. This may lead to pain as well as sensitivity when eating or drinking hot or cold items.

Chips can also occur due to trauma such as biting down on hard objects like stones or bones. Fractures can be caused by either a direct blow to the face or grinding while asleep at night due to stress and anxiety. Cracks can range in size from shallow cracks that are barely visible to more serious deep cracks which often penetrate beyond the enamel into the dentin layer beneath it.

Regardless of severity, all types of chips, fractures and cracks need to be treated quickly by a dentist in order for them not to worsen over time. Treatment depends on how severe the damage is but typically involves bonding material being used to fill in any gaps created by the chip/fracture/crack followed by polishing so that no further deterioration occurs.

Contact Odin Dental For Any Emergencies

At Odin Dental, we understand that dental emergencies can occur without warning. A dental emergency is any situation where sudden and severe pain or discomfort in the mouth requires urgent care from a dentist. Common types of dental emergencies include broken teeth, soft tissue injuries (such as lacerations), and abscesses. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us right away – we’ll provide an emergency exam to diagnose your issue and develop a plan for treatment.

When it comes to providing prompt service during such a stressful time, our team has what it takes. We offer same day appointments, and our staff will take the necessary steps to ensure that you receive the best possible care with minimal wait times and maximum comfort throughout the process.

We strongly encourage patients who think they may be having a dental emergency to seek immediate help rather than trying to treat their condition themselves at home; this could potentially worsen existing damage or lead to further complications down the road. So don’t hesitate – if you’re in pain now and require medical attention, give us a call today!

If you experience any of the common causes listed above such as a knocked out tooth, extreme tooth pain, abscesses or swelling, chips fractures or cracks, then contact Odin Dental immediately for treatment. Acting quickly is essential in most cases to prevent further damage or complications with your teeth and gums.

an image of a dentist checking on a patient at odin house dental surgery

Do’s And Don’ts After Wisdom Tooth Removal

It’s not uncommon to feel some anxiety when it comes time for wisdom teeth removal. After all, oral surgery can be intimidating! But with the right preparation and care, you’ll have nothing to worry about. To make sure your recovery goes smoothly, there are a few do’s and don’ts after wisdom tooth removal that you should keep in mind. From taking painkillers as needed to avoiding tough foods, these tips will help ensure a speedy and successful healing process. Read on to find out more about what you should – and shouldn’t – do following an extraction.

What Is Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Wisdom tooth removal, also known as wisdom tooth extraction, is a common dental procedure. It involves the surgical removal of one or more impacted teeth from the mouth. During this process, an oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to reveal and remove the affected tooth or teeth. Pain medication and antibiotics may be prescribed before and after surgery to help with any discomfort associated with the procedure. After the extracted tooth has been removed, soft food should be consumed until healing is complete.

Postoperative Care

After wisdom tooth removal, it is important to take extra care of your mouth during the recovery period. Following these do’s and don’ts will help ensure a safe and speedy recovery:


  • Follow all postoperative instructions from your dentist or oral surgeon carefully. This includes taking any prescribed pain medication as directed.
  • Gently rinse with warm salt water after each meal for the first three days following extraction to reduce swelling and prevent infection.
  • Eat soft foods such as applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal etc., until you feel comfortable enough to resume normal eating habits.
  • Apply an ice pack outside of your face on the area where surgery was performed in 15 minute intervals throughout the day for at least 48 hours afterwards to reduce swelling.


  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol while recovering from wisdom tooth extraction since they can delay healing time and increase risk of dry socket formation.
  • Do not drink through a straw for at least 24 hours because this could dislodge blood clots that are essential for healing process.
  • Refrain from vigorous physical activity like jogging, lifting weights or strenuous exercise for 72 hours so that your body has time to rest properly without putting strain on the wound site which may lead to bleeding or even cause dry socket.

It is also important to be aware of signs of complications such as excessive bleeding, fever, redness around surgical sites or extreme discomfort – if any of these occur contact your doctor immediately. Taking proper precautions before and after wisdom tooth removal can make sure that you have a smooth recovery experience!

Pain Management

After wisdom tooth removal, your dentist will likely prescribe you a prescription pain medication, such as ibuprofen or Tylenol, for at least the first few days following your procedure. It’s essential that you take these medications exactly as prescribed by your dentist and follow all instructions on their labels. Additionally, you can use counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce nerve pain in your jaw and mouth area. However, be sure not to exceed recommended dosage levels suggested by the manufacturer.

Be careful not to overuse any of these medications; doing so could lead to serious medical problems. You may want to consider using alternative methods such as cold compresses and ice packs for reducing discomfort in addition to taking prescribed medication.

If you experience excessive bleeding or severe swelling, contact your dentist immediately for further advice and treatment.

Eating And Drinking After Surgery

After you finish the pain management process, it’s time to think about what foods and liquids you can consume after your wisdom tooth removal. Eating and drinking properly can help with healing and minimize infection risk. Here are some do’s and don’ts for eating and drinking following a wisdom tooth extraction:


  • Eat soft or liquid foods that won’t require much chewing; this will prevent food particles from getting stuck in the sockets where your teeth were removed. Examples of good post-operative instructions include soups, smoothies, mashed potatoes, yogurts, milkshakes, etc.
  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water, juice, tea or sports drinks to stay hydrated.


  • Eat hard crunchy food items like chips or popcorn because they can get lodged into the socket sites which may cause discomfort or possible infection.
  • Use straws since sucking action could dislodge blood clots that have formed in the socket areas.
  • Eat hot liquids or spicy foods as these too might irritate your wound area.

By following these guidelines along with your dentist’s exact instructions on diet after surgery you should be able to have an easier recovery period without any complications.

Oral Hygiene And Care After Removal

It is important to take good care of your teeth after wisdom tooth removal. Proper oral hygiene and care will help ensure that the tooth sockets heal quickly and correctly, keeping healthy teeth and gums in place.

The first step you should take post-surgery is to avoid eating or drinking anything for a few hours and only consume soft foods afterwards. Furthermore, it’s recommended that you rinse your mouth with salt water several times a day as this helps reduce swelling and pain.

You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash like chlorhexidine gluconate two to three times daily which helps keep bacteria levels low. Additionally, avoid using any type of straws when consuming liquids as suctioning can cause bleeding around the extraction site.

Lastly, try not to touch or disturb the area where the tooth was removed so that it has time to properly heal without interruption.

Avoid Strenuous Activity

It is important to avoid strenuous activity after a wisdom tooth removal. This includes any activities that cause increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate or heavy breathing. Activities such as running, lifting weights and vigorous sports are best avoided in the weeks following your surgery. Even light activities like walking should be limited until you have fully healed from your procedure.

Avoid Tobacco Products

After wisdom teeth extraction, it is important to avoid all forms of tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. Tobacco use can cause complications with healing after the procedure and increase your risk for developing an infection. In addition to avoiding these items, you should also limit alcohol intake while recovering from a wisdom tooth removal.

Foods To Eat And Avoid During Recovery

Now that you have avoided tobacco products, it is time to focus on the foods and beverages you should be consuming while recovering from wisdom tooth removal. It is recommended to avoid solid foods for the first 24 hours after surgery. After this point, you can begin eating soft or crumbly foods like mashed potatoes or oatmeal that are easily digestible. Here is a list of food items to eat during recovery:

  1. Soups
  2. Smoothies
  3. Yogurt
  4. Mashed vegetables

It is important to keep in mind that your teeth may still feel tender even once you start eating again, so try not to bite down too hard when chewing your food.

Avoiding tough meats, crunchy snacks like chips or popcorn, as well as acidic fruits such as oranges and lemons will also help prevent any unnecessary pain or discomfort.

Lastly, stay away from carbonated drinks since they could cause increased swelling and inflammation at the site of extraction. Eating nutrient-rich meals with plenty of fluids throughout your recovery process will ensure a smooth transition back into your normal daily routine.

Follow Up Visits To The Dentist

After wisdom tooth removal, it is important to follow up with your dentist. Your dentist may instruct you on how often and when these visits should occur. These check-ups will help ensure that the healing process is progressing normally and can address any concerns or questions you may have. Additionally, they allow your dentist to monitor any localised postextraction bleeding or dental treatments needed after surgery.

Contact Odin Dental For More Information

Contact Odin Dental for more information on proper wisdom tooth removal aftercare instructions. It is important to maintain the blood clot in the area from where the teeth have been removed and prevent a dry socket or any other kind of injury to the surrounding tissue or vessels. During your recovery period, refrain from drinking through straws, smoking, or engaging in activities that could provoke bleeding. Oral hygiene should also be maintained with gentle brushing and rinsing with saltwater solution.

For any more questions about wisdom tooth removal or need help determining what’s best for you, contact Odin House Dental Surgery today.

an image of a dentist named dr euli chin checking on a patient at odin house dental

What To Do If Your Tooth Is Knocked Out?

Have you ever been in a situation where your tooth has been knocked out? It can be an incredibly traumatic and overwhelming experience. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to save the tooth and relieve any discomfort. Here’s what to do if your tooth is knocked out:

First of all, it’s important to stay calm. Panicking will only make the situation worse. Once you have taken a few deep breaths, take action by trying to locate the missing tooth and pick it up gently by the crown (not the root) – this will help protect the tissue attached to it. Rinse off any dirt or debris from the area without scrubbing too hard as this could cause further damage.

It’s also essential that you act quickly when dealing with a knocked-out tooth. The best chance for saving your tooth is within 30 minutes after it was lost so try not to delay! If possible, place the tooth back into its socket while avoiding touching its root surface, then use your tongue or finger to hold it in place until you get medical attention at a dentist office near you.

Common Causes Of Knocked Out Teeth

Knocked out teeth are surprisingly common, especially in adults. Sports activities can cause an adult tooth to be knocked out if it’s not properly protected with a mouth guard. Similarly, falls and other physical trauma can also force the tooth from its socket. Children may have their baby teeth knocked out by accidents or rough play.

In some cases, dentists must remove adult teeth due to decay or crowding of healthy teeth. If the removed tooth isn’t replaced right away, the jawbone beneath it will start to resorb, resulting in significant bone loss over time. In these situations, replacing the missing tooth is essential for preserving oral health and function as well as facial aesthetics.

It’s important to act quickly when a tooth has been knocked out: timing is key when attempting to save a tooth and prevent complications like infection or permanent damage to surrounding tissues. The sooner you take steps to treat your knocked out tooth, the more likely that it can be saved and successfully re-implanted back into its socket.

Emergency Care For Knocked Out Teeth

Time is of the essence when a tooth has been knocked out. It’s important to act quickly in order to increase chances for successful re-implantation or replacement with a false tooth. If an adult permanent tooth has been knocked out, first rinse it off gently under running water and try to put it back in its socket. If that isn’t possible, store the tooth between your gums and cheek, or keep the tooth moist in milk or saltwater solution until you can get emergency dental care.

If the knocked out adult tooth cannot be saved, replace it as soon as possible so adjacent teeth don’t shift position. A fake tooth looks natural and performs all functions of a real one if properly cared for. With proper maintenance, a false tooth can last up to 10 years or more. Your dentist may use various methods to attach them such as cementing or anchoring them into place by attaching onto other existing teeth near where the missing one was located.

It’s essential not to ignore a lost tooth since surrounding teeth could become weak due to the extra space created by the missing one and cause further dental problems down the road. Seeking emergency care right away is key to restoring oral health after trauma involving a lost tooth.

Tips On Collecting And Storing The Tooth

Now that you’ve taken the necessary steps in emergency care for knocked out teeth, it’s important to know what to do next. If your tooth is still intact and undamaged, there are tips on collecting and storing it.

In order to preserve its chances of survival, it must be handled carefully when transferring it from the accident site back into your mouth. It should also not be touched by the root or crown as this can damage cells needed for successful re-implantation. Here are some key tips:

  • Rinse off any debris from the tooth with tap water but don’t scrub or use soap.
  • Place the tooth back in its socket if possible; otherwise put it in a container of milk or wrap it up in moist gauze or cloth.
  • Visit an emergency dentist immediately since success rate decreases significantly after 30 minutes outside of the mouth.

It’s essential to take note of these instructions so that even if trauma occurs, quick action can help save your natural tooth and avoid costly dental procedures such as root canals later down the line. Taking immediate measures can ultimately make all the difference!

What To Expect At The Dentist’s Office

When you arrive at the dentist’s office, they’ll ask about your medical history and perform a physical exam. They may also take some x-rays to get an idea of what kind of dental treatment is needed. Depending on the severity of your case, they might suggest regular visits or custom made mouth guard in order to protect your teeth from further damage.

The dentist will likely recommend that you have any knocked out tooth replaced with either a bridge or implant. This will help restore functionality as well as improve your smile. You can discuss all available options with the dentist during this visit so that you make an informed decision.

Treatment Options For A Replaced Tooth

In some cases, a knocked out tooth can be reinserted into the socket and stabilized with splints or wires to preserve its root structure; however, if this isn’t possible, other treatment options are available.

The most common option for replacing a missing tooth is a bridge. A bridge involves attaching an artificial tooth to one or two adjacent teeth in order to fill the gap created by the missing tooth. The jaw bone must also be prepared before placement of the bridge in order to provide adequate support for it. Another option is an implant which requires surgery to place a titanium post directly into the jawbone. An abutment will later be attached onto this post where a crown can then be placed over top of it. Root canal treatment may also need to take place depending on the condition of the surrounding teeth as well as any remaining pieces of fractured roots from the lost tooth itself.

It’s important that once treatment has been completed and your new replacement tooth is secure, you wear a mouth guard when playing sports or engaging in activities that could put your new tooth at risk of being dislodged again. Taking these precautions will help ensure your replacement tooth lasts for years to come without complications.

Contact Odin Dental For Help If Your Tooth Is Knocked Out

If your tooth is knocked out, it is important to act quickly and contact a dentist like Odin House Dental Surgery. Depending on the type of tooth affected, you may need an emergency dental appointment as soon as possible. If the missing tooth is a baby tooth or adult molar that won’t be visible when smiling, then a same-day visit may not be necessary. However, if it’s one of the front teeth, you should make an urgent appointment with Odin Dental immediately. It’s also wise to take extra precautions if you’re involved in any kind of contact sports; wearing a mouth guard can help protect your teeth from injury.

Once at the clinic, our expert dentists will assess what treatment is needed for reattaching or replacing the lost tooth. Sometimes this involves root canal therapy or implantation surgery. The exact procedure depends on factors such as age and health history of patient, so don’t hesitate to ask questions about the recommended approach for restoring your smile. In some cases, natural replacement options like bridges are available too.

No matter what option you choose, it’s essential to get professional advice from Odin Dental before making any decisions regarding how best to restore your smile after a knocked-out tooth incident. Our dentists will provide guidance and support throughout each step of the process so you can get back to enjoying life with full confidence again!

The most important thing to remember if your tooth is knocked out is to act fast. Time truly matters in this situation and the sooner you get help, the better your chances for successful treatment will be. At Odin House Dental Surgery, we are here to help. Our experienced team of dentists can provide expert care when dealing with a knocked out tooth or other dental emergency. We’ll assess your individual needs and provide an appropriate course of action that works best for you. If you have recently had a tooth knocked out, don’t hesitate to contact us right away so we can restore your smile back to its full beauty!

dental treatment options innaloo 6018

How Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

How Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

Oral health and proper dental care is often overlooked as a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. However, the health of your mouth, teeth, and gums can significantly affect your overall health and quality of life. We will explore how oral health impacts overall health, the importance of good oral hygiene, some steps you can take to maintain good oral health and other oral health topics.

One of the most apparent ways oral health can impact overall physical health is the relationship between oral infections and systemic diseases. Oral infections, such as severe gum disease, gum infections and tooth decay, can release bacteria into the bloodstream. This can trigger an immune response, leading to inflammation in other body parts. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

For example, gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cardiovascular disease. The inflammation caused by gum disease can contribute to the build-up of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to blood clots and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Similarly, people with diabetes are at increased risk of developing gum disease, and gum disease can make it more difficult for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. Interestingly, the relationship between gum disease and diabetes is bidirectional.

Evidence suggests that poor oral health can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including oral cancer, throat cancer, and esophageal cancer.

Bacterial toxins in the mouth lead to some cancers.

One possible mechanism by which poor oral health may increase the risk of cancer is through the presence of bacteria in the mouth. Certain bacteria associated with gum disease, such as Porphyromonas gingivatis, have been found in higher levels in people with head and neck cancer. These bacteria may produce toxins that can damage cells in the mouth and throat, leading to cancer development.

In addition to the link between oral infections and systemic diseases, oral health can also subtly impact overall health. For instance, missing teeth or poorly fitting dentures can make it challenging to eat a healthy diet. This can lead to malnutrition and a range of related health problems. Similarly, tooth loss or poor oral health can affect a person’s appearance, hurting their self-esteem and overall quality of life.

Given the significant impact oral health can have on overall health, it is crucial to prioritize good oral hygiene. This includes brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, using mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath, and visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. It is also essential to be mindful of your diet and avoid sugary or acidic foods and drinks that can contribute to tooth decay.

Early intervention can often help to prevent more severe problems.

If you are experiencing problems with your oral health, it is vital to seek treatment as soon as possible. Early intervention can often help to prevent more severe problems or oral diseases from developing. For example, if you have a tooth that is damaged or decayed, your dentist may be able to repair it with a filling or crown. However, if the problem is left untreated, it could eventually lead to an bad breath, an abscess or tooth loss. Similarly, gum disease can often be treated in its early stages with professional cleaning, but if it is allowed to progress, it can lead to the loss of teeth and other serious health concerns.

In addition to practicing good oral hygiene and seeking treatment when needed, you can take a few other steps to maintain good oral health. One of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay is fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride is a mineral that helps to strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. You can also help to prevent gum disease by avoiding tobacco products and practicing good oral hygiene.

Overall, oral health is a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. By practicing good oral hygiene, seeking treatment when needed, and being mindful of your diet and lifestyle choices, you can help to maintain good oral health and reduce your risk of systemic diseases and other health problems. So, take the time to brush and floss regularly, visit Odin Dental for check-ups and cleanings, and don’t forget to take care of your mouth, teeth, and gums!

About Odin House Dental

Creating an Excellent Patient Experience…

Over the last two decades, Odin House Dental Surgery has been proud to serve the suburb of Innaloo and has grown to include ten dentists, three oral health therapists, and ten support staff. We have eight surgery rooms, a sterilisation room, a laboratory (where we make your mouthguards, whitening trays, and models), and two waiting rooms, including a small play area for children. We also have a unique “special room” complete with a massage chair, large screen TV, and even X Box!

Our dentists are all members of the Australian Dental Association and are local to Perth, so it would be no surprise if you have seen us out and about in the community.

invisalign cost innaloo

At What Age Can a Child Get Invisalign? | Odin House Dental Surgery | Invisalign for Children

Invisalign for Children

Navigating the world of orthodontics can be daunting for many parents, especially when considering the various options available to correct crooked teeth. While traditional metal braces have been a go-to solution for years, Invisalign has emerged as a sought-after alternative, boasting a plethora of benefits. But one pressing question remains on every parent’s mind: At what age can a child get Invisalign?

This article will help guide parents  through this decision-making process. We’ll explore important factors to consider, from the emergence of adult teeth to devising a custom treatment plan that ensures a healthy smile for their child. By the end of this read, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision at your next dental appointment about whether your child is a suitable candidate for Invisalign or should explore other options.


At What Age Can a Child Get Invisalign?

Children can start Invisalign treatment as early as age 7, with Invisalign First. Invisalign First is designed specifically for children’s growing smiles and can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic problems, including crowding, spacing, and narrow dental arches.

However, it is important to note that not all children are ready for Invisalign at age 7. Some children may need to wait until they have lost more of their baby teeth and have more of their permanent teeth in place. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the child is mature enough to be responsible for wearing their aligners for the required amount of time each day.

Why so quickly? Early orthodontic treatment is not for everyone, but in some circumstances, a child comes to us with moderate to severe orthodontic issues that just cannot be treated later. This is known as early interception treatment or Phase 1 treatment. This is the phase when the child’s permanent teeth are not all in yet. But, in some cases, braces are recommended at this stage.

Understanding the intricate interplay between baby teeth and emerging adult teeth is essential in determining the right orthodontic approach. At the age of seven, many children still retain several of their baby teeth, making it a crucial development stage to assess orthodontic needs.

The idea of wearing Invisalign for numerous hours per day might seem daunting, especially for younger children. Yet, the flexibility offered by Invisalign aligners—unlike the fixed nature of metal brackets—means that wearers can remove them during meals. This prevents restrictions on the types of foods consumed and significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay often associated with traditional braces, where food might become trapped.

However, one challenge with Invisalign is compliance. Parents need to be confident in their child’s commitment to their treatment, as inconsistent wear can hinder the desired tooth movement. But, if met with dedication, Invisalign can be an excellent choice for children and teens alike, providing them with a discreet, effective, and comfortable solution to their dental needs.


Why Invisalign™?

In today’s environment, Invisalign™ is marketed as an alternative to braces for teeth straightening.

After all, most children, like adults, dislike having metal braces on their teeth. Many people are unaware that Invisalign™ clear aligners are not always as effective as traditional braces in straightening a child’s teeth. It will be up to your dentist or orthodontist to decide what would be best for your child’s situation.

Since its inception, Invisalign™ has been considered safe for adults and teens. But, it has only been recently that they are regarded as an acceptable orthodontic choice for children. Advanced technology has allowed dentists to determine what works best for a mix of baby teeth and incoming permanent teeth as children grow. Furthermore, it is recommended that children see an orthodontist or child-friendly dentist providing orthodontic care around the age of 7.


First Invisalign Treatment

There is a variety of therapy choices for Invisalign™, and only some strategies are suitable for everyone.

Each person should have a customised treatment plan designed around what movement is needed to improve the patient’s smile and alignment. Dental clinics, such as Odin House Dental Surgery, provide a complimentary initial consultation so you can learn precisely what is required (including the cost) to correct your child’s teeth.


Invisalign Price

The cost of orthodontic treatment is determined mostly by how difficult it is to align the teeth and correct the bite.

Most orthodontists charge the same amount for Invisalign™ or clear aligner treatment as traditional braces therapy. For children, it is critical to restore all teeth straightening concerns and bite problems so they can enjoy a lifetime of health, function, and amazing smiles.


Clear Aligners Provide Easier Hygiene Than Traditional Braces

Clear aligners offer a comfortable, flexible, and efficient alternative to traditional braces, simplifying oral hygiene and daily wear.

It’s always been challenging to keep your teeth clean while straightening them. Have you ever attempted to clear food off wires and brackets? It’s a lengthy process. There are no food restrictions with transparent aligners such as Invisalign™, and you remove the aligners to brush and floss as usual.

Furthermore, you can take the aligners out to have pictures taken and for special events. However, it is recommended that the aligners be worn for 22 hours a day, every day.

Keeping your aligners clean is also very simple. You need to brush and rinse. There aren’t any specialised tools or devices required to clean them.

The advantages of clear aligners don’t stop with just their appearance or ease of cleaning. Consider the peace of mind knowing that you or your child won’t be faced with unexpected trips to the orthodontist due to broken wires or dislodged brackets. The sturdiness of clear aligners, coupled with their removable nature, reduces the chances of such incidents.

Moreover, while traditional braces can sometimes cause irritation to the cheeks and lips, clear aligners are crafted to fit snugly over the teeth, minimising discomfort. This means fewer interruptions to daily life and more confidence in smiling, speaking, and eating. Additionally, the absence of metal components means there’s no risk of metal allergies, which some individuals may experience with traditional braces.

Lastly, one might think that with all these benefits, clear aligners might be more fragile or delicate. Surprisingly, they’re designed to be durable, enduring daily wear and tear while effectively shifting teeth into their desired positions. The key is consistent wear and ensuring proper care, allowing the aligners to do their job while maintaining optimal oral health.


Contact Odin House Dental Today

Over the last two decades, Odin House Dental Surgery has been proud to serve the suburb of Innaloo and has grown to include ten dentists, three oral health therapists, and ten support staff. We have eight surgery rooms, a sterilisation room, a laboratory (where we make your mouthguards, whitening trays, and models), and two waiting rooms, including a small play area for children. We also have a unique “special room” complete with a massage chair, large screen TV, and even X Box!

Our dentists are all members of the Australian Dental Association and are local to Perth, so it would be no surprise if you have seen us out and about in the community.

Odin House Dental provides a complimentary consultation to all new patients to provide the best treatment advice and determine the exact cost of therapy. We never want expenses to impede a child’s health. As a result, we provide several payment methods so that you can feel confident about the treatment procedure.

As parents, we understand how difficult it is to imagine your child wearing braces at such a young age. We are thrilled to announce that Invisalign is now available to our younger patients needing Phase 1 treatment! Call 08 9468 7182 today to get started!

Odin House Dental Surgery
Suite 3/8 Odin Rd
Innaloo WA 6018

Phone Numbers:
Office: (08) 9468 7182

Office Hours:
Mon: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tues: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thur: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Use of this site is subject to our terms of service and privacy policy. This site does not provide dental advice, diagnosis or treatment.
*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Terms & Conditions
Free Smile Assessment Offer:
  1. Must be over 18 years of age
  2. Free Smile Assessment consultation must be face to face
  3. Includes : Smile analysis, Facial lines and asymmetries, Teeth size, shape and position analysis, Teeth color recording, Jaw analysis, General tooth and gum health assessment and advise on the suitability for Invisalign or other Smile Make-Over procedures and recommendations.
  4. Does not include a full examination, x-rays or a scale and polish.
  5. Free Smile Assessment offer can be used in conjunction with other offers such as Whitening, Check up and Polish, and Invisalign offers.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. This offer may change without notice.